Super Quick Update, new Youtube videos coming out and will be added to the list. Also, New main articles on Frank Ocean in the works. A cut on the releases of Youtube videos for Blind Math as they were a re-upload to re-introduce. The other articles will still be edited and released, in preparation for new Blind Math Podcast. The Music section will be changing, as per cuts on changes with how I work with Absolute Zero. I will should be able to make site change like that. I will also be changing the side bar. I was almost finished the Weezer King of the World but many issues relating to Absolute Zero has keep me from doing that and the stories. With these further cut backs, I should be able to do that. So a further reduction should take place with Absolute Zero. I will be instead be doing more Rj Context and Responses to his videos (increases production rates and release times). Alot of the old content is being readied and some are on Youtube waiting to be published. I have alot more work from the vault to put out. The remaining Absolute Zero work I am going Read More…