performance Preparation #14 : Absolute Zero September 14th – September 14, 2015 -Blog 14 – Here is the next installment of my daily blog, leading up the ILoveMakonnen show on the 17th. Look at the previous installments before you start reading this one. Performance preparation blog(s): Absolute Zero     Today was mostly an errand day. I had to help one of the people I stay with get to work; she crashed her car the day I got here. Luckily she had scheduled her vacation for this week, so not having a vehicle didn’t hurt her as much. Unfortunately they did plan to spend the week away from home, so the money that they had budgeted towards travel expenses is now going to vehicle repair . So there was that, I cleaned up the area I was staying in a bit. Its always good to be a modest house guest. The hommies were letting me crash on the couch for free, the least I could do was have the place looking nice. I also did some laundry and bought food, the normal human stuff. -( -( That pretty much was the day, plus or minus a few games Read More…