My Author Quest on The Murder and The Magic Soul Gem As a writer came to a road with the story(The Murder and the Magic Soul Gem). choose this new path, think it will be cool(lost time, lol)-the story series, is changing from a more character centric one(few characters and focus on development). To one that is faster, more thrilling, so basically a fantasy, adventure, thriller more that at the core of the setting of the story. (lost lots of time yesterday because of it, lol). Basically my plan was to finish this story by today(1,6, 2016). I wanted to knock out about 70 pages atleast. However, I came to a road with the story(well, I wrote it in first lol), like if I continue down this road this will change the tone of the stories setting. It will alter the base starting point of the future characters, thus the feel(perception)and development of the characters will be slightly altered.