Ideas of Ice and Fire is a cool channel that I have come to really enjoy consuming videos from. The videos are about George R. Martin‘s book series and related show Game of Thrones (the series is actually called a Song of Ice and Fire, I believe but everyone knows Game of Thrones better). If Its about the Song of Ice and Fire series, I really look to Ideas of Ice and Fire‘s opinion, facts and most entertaining theories.


I am not a watcher or reader of the Gamer of Thrones T.V show (watched a few episodes at most ever maybe 4) or the reader of the books (few pages here and there). I really  thought the books were solid but not better than the Tolkien‘s works (use to have debates about this probably write about it later). I read enough to see that Martin is a good writer but I still preferred at the time Wheel of Time. Which I felt was more fantasy, I think Song of Ice and Fire is fantasy but a very light fantasy. I have never had a strong pull to really read or watch Song of Ice and Fire material until I came across a few videos on Youtube and Ideas of Ice and Fire’s channel was one of them. I listened to their material and came to appreciate the depth of Martin‘s work in progress. My opinion of his work has elevated because of how layered his work is (I genuinely respect this).



I like the philosophical themes going on as well, and it takes skill to do that in an integrated way. I really get to appreciate that by listening to Ideas of Ice and Fire talk about the books with his theories. Also going the difference between the book and the show. It seems like the show is seriously starting to suffer on an overall level (as it deviates more from the books) but people who are only familiar with the show will probably emotionally fan cult style defend everything about it (I don’t like fanboi bias, its too extreme).

I am not a big watcher of TV(I barely and rarely watch it), however I do respect the medium which shows are executed on. I like something more when people can be objective and point out the positives as well as the negatives. Ideas of Ice and Fire really does this and I will tell you his facts and even opinions have strongly helped to cultivate a desire in me to read the books and watch the series from the start.




I honestly think his voice is really amazing as well. I would love to hear him narrate a story. I think he has a talent for that and I genuinely enjoy when he narrates passages from Song of Ice and Fire. I would one day like to have someone enjoy my works to this degree. Also I would love to have someone this naturally talented narrate my work with such passion.

Ideas of Ice and Fire

I will be sharing more of Ideas of Ice and Fire‘s videos (along with a few others on the subject). If you like something you support it. So I try to be the person I want to be and do things I want the best me to do. If I want more of something supporting it makes it more likely to exist. Plus I sincerely want more people to experience and see if they have or can come to similar enjoyment or appreciate for the merits and thought nuggets that this videos bring.


No current Related Links, Will Update with links as it becomes relevant.


IdeasOfIceAndFire channel :Game of Thrones S6 EP8 (No One) Complaints + Review


Game of Thrones s06